Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Back on Track! (again)

January is almost over, and I'm into my phlebotomy classes now. I've been planning on doing this for about a year now, and I'm so glad I'm actually doing it. Spring is coming soon, and it can't come soon enough! I'm starting to really feel the winter depression. The short days, freezing cold temps, and overall wintery mess is starting to get to me. I still want to lose some weight before summer, but it is not the easiest thing to do. I know it's all about self control, and really committing to a change...which is not my forte. Well my brain needs a rest now.

I don't know. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Here's what I ate today:
2 egg omlette with spinach, cilantro, and cheese
1 kashi oatmeal chocolate chip cookie
about 8oz green juice fruit/veg mix

I might make chili or something else for dinner. I am going to lose at least 10 pounds before my birthday which is in about 2 months. I have complete control, so I've decided it will happen. That's all for now.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


I pretty much forgot about this blog. It was pretty weird reading it now, over a year later.
I did manage to lose 30 lbs last summer. Although it probably wouldn't have happened if Tony and I hadn't broken up. Infact, I know it wouldn't have. Yes, we broke up from about april...that was when I kicked him out. Til about september 2010. It was the best and worst summer I've had in a while. I was very depressed. Tony hurt me so badly, I had no appetite. And go figure, we've been back together for about 10 months now and I'm back to weighing 148 lbs.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Yesterday and Today

Well today was an okay day in terms of eating, it could have been a lot better though. Yesterday was not great either. Yesterday I had class so I didn't eat anything til after class at 4:00. I drank some raspberry white tea during class though. So after class I was bad and ate a chocolate little debbie cake, and the rest of the day didn't get much better. Tony and I went to Gordy's and I had a cheeseburger, fries & we shared a vanilla shake. Also I had some pepsi there....yeah, not so good. I really didn't wanna go there, but oh well. Also later that night I had another little debbie cake, and some cheetos lol. I'm just putting it all out there. Today I had a lemon poppy seed muffin for breakfast. A 6 inch turkey breast subway sandwich with doritos...and some coke. So my no pop thing hasn't been going great, but I'm not worried. I've cut down so much. It's easier to ween myself off of the stuff. I gotta say though it's so much better when I drink it now, it's like a treat and I really enjoy it. The key is not to over indulge. That's not it for today; for dinner I decided to make chili which I really love. So i had probably a little too much of that with some tea, and now I'm drinking a sex on the beach and feeling pretty good.

I weighed myself yesterday and I was 148, which is the least I've weighed in a really long time. I forgot to mention this, but I guess I can post my weight pre and post pregnancy. Before I was pregnant my weight always hung around 150-155 lbs. My stomach has definitely always been my biggest problem area. Also I am about 5'6. So by the end of my pregnancy I weighed about 185 lbs. The day I left the hospital I was so excited to weigh myself because just after my water breaking I felt like I lost at least 10 lbs. So I weighed myself when I got home was the exact thing I weighed the day I went into the hospital 185 lbs!!! This was after me just giving birth to a 9 lb baby and what felt like 10 lbs of amniotic fluid..not to mention the placenta which i didn't see but can only imagine it weighed something close to what my daughter did. So needless to say I was shocked I didn't even know how that was possible. My feet and legs and everything were so swollen, I guess I retained water and what not. I don't know, after you have a baby your body is just completely messed up for a couple weeks after. Also I had a c-section, so the following week or two I could barely move. The weight did come off quickly though. I would say I lost the entire 30 lbs in about 3 weeks. I definitely wasn't dieting, I guess it's just a perk of having a baby young. Like I said before, my stomach looks nothing like it did before pregnancy though. It is still stretchy, it's covered in stretch marks, and just not attractive. So I just want to lose my belly and try to tone up...of course being healthy is always a goal as well. I love eating healthy I know how important it is, and I love how it makes me feel. Also I'm going to feed my daughter healthy foods right from the beginning so she doesn't get addicted to bad foods like I am...and I want to set a good example for her.

Anyway that's all for tonight I have to go do some work for my online class, and I have class in the morning. Tomorrow my goal is to drink no pop, and no fast food. That is a very achievable goal that I intend on doing. Next blog I'll talk about my somewhat of an exercise routine. Night!

Monday, April 12, 2010

weight loss

I'm going to try to lose at least 10 lbs by May 1st. After the birth of my baby in August of '09 I did lose the 35-40 lbs of weight I gained pretty quickly. Infact I currently weigh a little less than I did pre-pregnancy. My stomach though is just not toned to say the least. So I'm watching my portions, and I'm trying to cut out pop. I love pop, I usually drink it daily, but lately I've cut down to just one small amount per day. I think I can easily cut it out all together from now on though. I've been drinking tea and 100% cranberry juice, which is really quite good. I know recording the food you eat is a good way to keep things under control so today wasn't perfect but this is what I've eaten:
1 apple
1 lemon poppy seed muffin
3 chicken strips
a few fries
mountain dew
small amount of vitamin water

So definitely not great but tomorrow my goal will be no pop, more water, no fast food. Those are actually permanent goals. Also I'm going to exercise lots more, being healthy really does make you feel so much better and I'm really looking forward to it.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


So I've finally started what I've been meaning to do for the past three years- I'm in college! Community college that is. I started out going for a Health Insurance Billing certificate, but that turned out to be not right for me. One semester of that got me to realize how fucked up the health care system is in this country, and that I don't want to be a part of it.

Another thing I've been meaning to do for about the last 5 years has also happened. I'm living in my own apartment! With my daughter and Tony of course. Which isn't so bad. I love little Cora, she's so beautiful and funny. Tony is okay too. :]

Anyway, so I just changed my major to a good old AA degree. What am I going to do with that? I have no clue. I thought I wanted to be a nurse, but I just don't know. I wish I was one of those people who had a crazy passion for one thing, that would make things so much easier. For now though, I like my classes. An education is always good, right?